87 research outputs found

    Stabiliteit en verandering in intergenerationele familierelaties : verschuivingen in relatietypen over een periode van drie jaar

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    This paper focuses on shifts in adult child-parent relationship type using the first two waves of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS). The analyses are informed by both a life transitions perspective, and the negotiation of relationships perspective. The intergenerational relationships typology represents different combinations of solidaristic acts and conflict. We employed Latent Transition Analysis to determine the prevalence and predictors of shifts. Less than 5% of the dyads shifted to a different type. Insofar shifts took place, they were most likely from the ambivalent type, and particularly so for relationships with mothers and daughters. Offspring (re)partnering, offspring divorce, parental widowhood, parental health decline, offspring unemployment, birth of a grandchild, and moving nearer, did not predict typology shifts, whereas the number of parental divorces was too small for analyses of change. Parental repartnering prompted a shift towards the discordant type with its low probabilities of contact and support exchange, and the relatively high likelihood of conflict over personal issues. Moving away prompted a shift from the ambivalent type with its high probabilities of supportive exchanges and conflict over material and personal issues. Over a period of three years, there is considerably more continuity in adult child-parent relationships than change

    Veranderingen in arbeidsparticipatie en zorggebruik: Een beschrijving van ontwikkelingen van 1997 tot 2008

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    __Abstract__ Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van veranderingen in pensioen- en zorgwetgeving beweegt zich over het algemeen op het macroniveau. Voorbeelden zijn de recente stijging in de levensverwachting van 65-plussers na invoering van marktwerking in de zorg (Van Duin & Nicolaas, 2010) en de rapporten van de Commissie Frijns (2010) en de Commissie Goudswaard (2010) over stijgende pensioenkosten. Studies naar de gevolgen op het microniveau van individuele levens zijn schaars, vaak vanwege een gebrek aan geschikte gegevens, namelijk gegevens over opeenvolgende geboortecohorten. De onderhavige studie beoogt na te gaan in hoeverre en op welke manier veranderingen in pensioen- en zorgwetgeving tot veranderd gedrag (arbeidsmarktpositie, en daarmee samenhangend: gezondheidszorggebruik) tussen geboortecohorten hebben geleid

    Multiple Links: Public policy, family exchanges, well-being and policy endorsement

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    __Abstract__ In a time when individuals prefer to operate as autonomous individuals, being dependent is often thought of as a negative state that is best overcome as soon as possible (Lee, 2002; Stone, 2010). Political institutions have a similar view when it comes to reliance on welfare services: welfare state services should support people for as short as possible so as to ensure that they are able to carry on living independently (Gilbert, 2004). Whereas the insistence on independence from welfare support has been present in US welfare politics from its beginning, it is relatively new in European welfare states such as The Netherlands (Hemerijck, 2013). European welfare systems used to be passive systems aimed at income maintenance but have transformed into activating systems aimed at maximizing labor market employment by stressing individual responsibility (Gilbert, 2004), and the Dutch welfare system forms no exception to this rule (Hemerijck & Marx, 2010). Due to the imminent unsustainability of generous social protection programs given aging populations, European welfare states have been retrenching (Pavolini & Ranci, 2008; Pierson, 2011). For many welfare states, this is a continuation of the transformation of welfare states into activating systems. The retrenchment of earlier welfare models into models stressin

    Blijvers en uitvallers

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    Van degenen die in 2003 deelnamen aan de eerste ronde van de Netherlands Kinship Panel Study is in 2006 75 procent opnieuw geĆÆnterviewd. Vijftien procent weigerde om een tweede keer mee te doen en tien procent viel af vanwege overlijden, vertrek naar het buitenland of omdat ze, zelfs na herhaalde pogingen, niet opnieuw zijn bereikt. Wie zijn de uitvallers? Wie zijn degenen die niet opnieuw zijn geĆÆnterviewd? Zijn bepaalde groepen daarin oververtegenwoordigd? Het antwoord op deze vragen is van belang om te kunnen bepalen of de tweederonde respondenten nog een goede afspiegeling vormen van de Nederlandse bevolking

    The role of European welfare states in intergenerational monetary transfers: a micro-level perspective

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    This article uses a comprehensive theoretical framework to explain why parents send money to particular children, and examines whether intergenerational solidarity is shaped by spending on various welfare domains or provisions as a percentage of gross domestic product. The theoretical model at the level of parents and children distinguishes parental resources and childrenā€™s needs as the factors most likely to influence intergenerational money transfers. Differences in state spending on various welfare domains are then used to hypothesise in which countries children with specific needs are most likely to receive a transfer. For parents we hypothesise in which countries parents with specific available resources are most likely to send a transfer. We use data from the first wave of the Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to analyse the influence of welfare-state provisions on the likelihood of intergenerational transfers in ten European countries. The results indicate that, in line with our expectations, the likelihood of a transfer being made is the outcome of an intricate resolution of the resources (ability) of the parents and the needs of a child. Rather large differences between countries in money transfers were found. The results suggest that, at least with reference to cross-generational money transfers, no consistent differences by welfare state regime were found.
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